2025 MAIN Winners List
2025 MAIN Winners List (pdf)
DownloadVehicle owners please be aware that this is not an invitational event, anyone can submit an application to be a part of the show. Please note that there is an approval process to submit your vehicles for display at the Mid Atlantic Indoor Nationals. We ask that you fill out and complete the application via the link to the right and submit the requested pictures. Our vehicle selection committee wants to be 100% sure that the vehicles on the show floor meet our standards for showmanship. We do not like to turn away vehicle participation but if your vehicle has damage or is clearly not befitting we reserve the right to do so. Once approved you will receive and email confirming your requested space has been approved and only when you are approved will your payment be processed.
If you prefer registering by mail you will see a link titled “paper registration form” below, please click into the link and print out the registration form. It is important to remember when applying by mail that you include 3 printed ( 1 ¾ exterior, 1 interior and 1 engine bay) pictures with your registration form and payment. Also make sure your email address is clearly written as we will be sending all responses and event information to you by e-mail.
Costs To Reserve A Space
10*10 $55.00 (Motorcycle ONLY) -
10*20 $65.00 (Standard single vehicle display spot) -
15*20 $95.00 (Over-sized car or truck vehicle display space must supply your own flooring)
20*20 $115.00 (Vehicle display space must supply your own flooring and stanchions).
All entry options include 2 weekend passes.
Optional Electric Line $135.00
Parking is FREE
Mid Atlantic Indoor Nationals
Greater Philadelphia Expo Center
100 Station Ave
Oaks, PA 19456
March 21st & 22nd 2026
Saturday 9AM to 6PM
Sunday 9AM to 4PM
Inside the Mid Atlantic Indoor Nationals
MAIN offers 100+ awards for a variety of competition classes and distributes more than $8,000 in cash prizes.
If you are setting up a vendor booth be sure to click into and read the below. It will inform you of roll in dates, times and procedures.
Important information that pertains to setting up and vending at the show. This is a must read for everyone.